1. Timetable

Select your enrolment type from each of the options below.

Select a location
  1. Albany PCYC
  2. Bunbury PCYC
  3. Carnarvon PCYC
  4. Collie PCYC
  5. Fremantle PCYC
  6. Gosnells PCYC
  7. Kalgoorlie PCYC
  8. Kensington PCYC
  9. Midland PCYC
  10. Rockingham PCYC
  11. Subiaco PCYC
Select a program
  1. Badge LevelsPCYC is WA's largest club and we are proud to have developed our own class plans to develop athletes in a safe and supportive environment. All our coaches are GA accredited, and the PCYC Pathway allows your gymnast to compete at Inter-Club events!
  2. Non-Competitive GymnasticsRelaxed gymnastics courses focused on fun, fitness, and personal growth.
  3. Other ActivitiesJoin in on PCYC’s array of non-gymnastics activities such as Archery, Air Rifles, Roller Skating and many more. Courses are available for wide age ranges, as well as varying skill levels.
  4. School Holiday ActivityFun filled activities to keep the kids entertained over the holidays
Select a level
  1. KinderGymKinderGym Classes are an inclusive space where little ones can learn fundamental movement skills with our experienced gymnastics coaches
  2. Recreational GymnasticsNon-competitive classes for those wanting to come and learn gymnastics skills, without the pressure. Fun based activities to help them safely learn gymnastics with their friends. Classes are usually age based, as well as ability based.
  3. Badge Level 2A non-competitive class focussed on fun and fitness to learn basic Gymnastics skills. Classes are more structured and work through drills and circuits to develop strength and coordination for skills.
  4. Badge Level 3Gymnasts learn skills and routines, attending competitions with other PCYC centres from around the state. Gymnasts are usually expected to train twice per week to safely learn the required skills. Focus is still on fun!
  5. Badge Level 4Competitive levels classes. Gymnasts learn skills and routines, attending competitions with other PCYC centres from around the state, including Regionals and State Championships.
  6. Badge Level 5Competitive levels classes. Gymnasts learn skills and routines, attending competitions with other PCYC centres from around the state, including Regionals and State Championships.
  7. Badge Level 6Competitive levels classes. Gymnasts learn skills and routines, attending competitions with other PCYC centres from around the state, including Regionals and State Championships.
  8. KinderSportsKindersports is a fun way to learn the very basic fundamentals of different sports.
  9. School Holiday ActivityExciting School Holiday Activity Days